I Hate Doing Sod! But This $4,130 Landscaping Job Made It Worth It

Hey guys, Keith here.  I made a video and this blog post about some a Landscaping job we did the other day.


Landscaping often involves tasks we don't love, but the results can be rewarding. One such task is laying sod. Recently, we took on a landscaping job worth $4,130. Here’s how we did it step by step, turning a daunting task into a rewarding project.


The Project Overview


Our recent project involved installing 400 square feet of sod. Here’s a detailed look at what we did and how we did it.


Removing the Pine Tree and Stump Grinding

The first step was to remove an existing pine tree. This included cutting down the tree and grinding the stump to ensure a clean surface for the sod. The tree removal cost $1,800, and the stump grinding cost $250. Clearing the area added another $100 to the total.


Utility Line Check

Before starting ground work, it’s crucial to check for underground utility lines. We called a utility digging service to mark any lines, ensuring our work wouldn’t interfere with any utilities.


Preparing the Site

After removing the tree and checking for utility lines, we moved on to site preparation. The customer wanted to keep certain edging in place, so we worked around these features, incorporating them into the new landscape design.


Soil Preparation

Good soil preparation is key for successful sod installation. We laid down a yard and a half of screened topsoil, costing $250. This high-quality soil helps the sod root deeply and stay healthy. We always order extra sod to account for cutting and fitting, making sure we don’t run short.



Additional Work

Besides sod installation, the project included a spring cleanup and garden bed prep. This involved removing shrubs, redefining garden edges, and adding new topsoil. The spring cleanup alone was priced at $445, covering tasks like pulling weeds, trimming trees, and overall site tidying.


Watering Instructions and Customer Care

To ensure our clients’ success, every sod installation comes with detailed watering instructions. For this job, we provided a watering wand and hose, making it easy for the customer to care for their new lawn.


Preparation and Installation


The preparation and installation phase involved a lot of detailed work. Here’s how we did it.


Site Clearing and Initial Prep

The first step was clearing the site, including removing an existing pine tree and grinding the stump. This was crucial to prevent future growth or obstruction. We also called a utility digging service to mark any underground lines, ensuring safety.


Soil Preparation

Proper soil preparation is key for sod installation. We spread a yard and a half of screened topsoil over the area, costing $250. This nutrient-rich topsoil provides a good base for the sod. We spread and graded the topsoil evenly to avoid high or low spots.


Measuring and Ordering Extra Sod

We carefully measured the area to determine how much sod was needed. For this job, we needed 400 square feet but ordered a bit extra to account for cutting and fitting around the edges, ensuring we had enough material to complete the job without delays.


Staggering the Sod

When laying the sod, we used a brick-like pattern to stagger the seams. This prevents weak spots in the lawn. Each piece of sod was placed carefully to avoid gaps, and the seams were tightly pressed together.

Ensuring Level Ground

Throughout the installation, we frequently checked the ground level. Even slight mounds or dips can cause issues. In this project, we noticed a slight mound in the center. To fix this, we pulled up the sod, removed excess soil, and regraded the area to ensure a flat surface. This extra step, though time-consuming, is crucial for a professional finish.


Edging and Final Touches

The edges of the sod were pressed down meticulously to prevent lifting. We went around the entire perimeter on our hands and knees, ensuring every edge was flat and secure. Any bumps or raised areas were smoothed out to ensure the sod sat flush with the ground.


Watering Instructions and Customer Care

To ensure the newly installed sod stayed healthy, we provided detailed watering instructions. For the first ten days, we advised watering twice a day for 20-30 minutes. After this, the watering should be reduced to once a day for another ten days, and then every other day for the next ten days. This gradual reduction helps the sod establish a deep root system.


Additionally, we supplied a watering wand and hose, free of charge, to make it easier for the customer to follow our watering guidelines. This extra step helps ensure the sod’s success and shows our commitment to customer satisfaction.


Final Inspection

Once all the sod was laid and the edges were secure, we conducted a final inspection to ensure everything was perfect. This included checking for uneven areas, ensuring all seams were tightly pressed together, and verifying that the sod was properly watered.



Pricing Breakdown


Here’s what this project cost:

- Tree removal: $1,800

- Stump grinding: $250

- Sod installation (including topsoil): $800

- Extra garden bed prep and topsoil: $250

- Spring cleanup: $445


The total came to $4,130. For jobs over $1,000, we require a 33% deposit upfront. In this case, the customer paid $1,216.05 before we started.


Challenges and Solutions


Every landscaping project has its challenges, especially when installing sod. Here are the main challenges we faced and how we handled them.


Challenge 1: Uneven Ground

Ensuring the ground was perfectly level was tough. Even small bumps can cause problems with sod installation, leading to uneven growth and water pooling.



We kept a close eye on the ground level throughout the project. When we noticed a slight mound in the center, we acted quickly. We pulled up the sod, removed the excess soil, and regraded the surface to ensure it was flat. This extra effort made sure the sod would lay evenly and grow well.


Challenge 2: Edging and Seam Alignment

Properly securing the edges and aligning the seams of the sod is crucial to prevent the pieces from lifting and to ensure a seamless look.



We meticulously pressed down the edges and made sure all seams were tightly pressed together. By working on our hands and knees around the entire perimeter, we ensured there were no gaps or lifted edges. This attention to detail helps prevent future issues and ensures a professional finish.


Challenge 3: Adequate Watering

Ensuring the newly laid sod gets enough water is essential for it to root properly. However, clients often struggle with knowing the correct watering schedule.



We provided the customer with detailed watering instructions for the first few weeks. For the initial ten days, we recommended watering twice a day for 20-30 minutes. After this period, watering should be reduced to once a day for another ten days, and then every other day for the next ten days. This gradual reduction helps the sod establish a deep root system. Additionally, we supplied a watering wand and hose to make it easier for the customer to follow our guidelines.


Challenge 4: Handling Excess Material

Ordering the right amount of sod is crucial, but there is often a need to handle excess material due to cutting and fitting around edges.




We always order a bit more sod than needed to account for waste and ensure we are not short. Any excess sod can be used in other parts of the landscape or disposed of if necessary. This practice helps avoid delays and ensures we have enough material to complete the project.


Challenge 5: Customer-Specific Requests

Sometimes, customers have specific requests that may not align with standard practices, such as keeping certain features or installing sod around existing structures.



We respect and accommodate customer requests whenever possible. In this project, the customer wanted to keep certain edging in place. We worked around these features, incorporating them into the new landscape design while ensuring the overall look and functionality were maintained.


Challenge 6: Managing Time and Resources

Balancing the various tasks and ensuring the project stays on schedule and within budget can be challenging, especially when unexpected issues arise.



We managed our time and resources effectively by breaking down the project into manageable tasks and addressing issues promptly as they arose. For instance, when we noticed the mound in the center, we immediately took steps to correct it rather than postponing the fix. This proactive approach helped keep the project on track and ensured high-quality results.


Challenge 7: Seasonal Challenges

Working in varying weather conditions, especially in regions with distinct seasons like Michigan, can pose challenges such as seasonal depression for the crew and unpredictable weather affecting the project timeline.



We planned our work schedule to make the most of good weather and ensured our team was well-prepared for the physical demands of the job. Staying active and maintaining a positive work environment helped mitigate the effects of seasonal changes. Moreover, communicating with the client about potential weather-related delays ensured transparency and maintained trust.


Customer Satisfaction


Ensuring customer satisfaction is crucial in any landscaping project. For this sod installation, we focused on exceeding the client’s expectations with clear communication, high-quality work, and thoughtful extras. Here’s how we ensured our client was delighted with the final result.


Clear Communication and Transparency

From the initial consultation to the final walkthrough, we kept the client informed. We discussed every step, explaining the importance of each task and how it contributed to the project’s success. Being transparent about costs and timelines helped build trust and set clear expectations.


Key Actions:

- Provided detailed quotes for all parts of the project, including tree removal, stump grinding, topsoil preparation, and sod installation.

- Explained why each task was necessary and how it contributed to the final result.

- Kept the client updated on progress and any unexpected changes.


Customized Solutions

We considered the client’s specific requests and preferences, making sure the final result matched their vision. For example, the client wanted to keep certain edging in place, so we incorporated it into our plan.


Key Actions:

- Listened carefully to the client’s preferences and integrated them into the project plan.

- Offered professional advice while respecting the client’s decisions, ensuring they felt heard and valued.


Providing Detailed Instructions

After completing the sod installation, we gave the client detailed watering instructions to help them maintain their new lawn. These instructions are crucial for the sod to root properly and thrive, empowering the client to take good care of their investment.


Key Actions:

- Supplied detailed watering instructions, outlining the specific schedule for the first few weeks.

- Provided a watering wand and hose, free of charge, to make it easier for the client to follow the guidelines.


Going the Extra Mile

To show our commitment to customer satisfaction, we provided a watering wand and hose at no extra cost. This gesture demonstrated our dedication to the project and showed the client that we genuinely cared about the success of their new lawn.


Key Actions:

- Included a free watering wand and hose as a thank-you gift.

- Ensured the client had all the tools and information needed to care for their new sod effectively.


Attention to Detail

We paid meticulous attention to detail throughout the project, ensuring a flawless finish. From leveling the ground to pressing down the sod edges, every step was performed with precision and care. This high standard of workmanship reassured the client that they had made the right choice in hiring us.


Key Actions:

- Carefully leveled the ground, addressing any mounds or dips.

- Ensured all sod seams were tightly pressed together and edges were secure.

- Conducted a final inspection to verify the quality of the work.


Post-Installation Follow-Up

Customer satisfaction doesn’t end when the job is complete. We followed up with the client after the installation to ensure they were happy with the results and to address any questions or concerns they might have. This follow-up helped reinforce our commitment to their satisfaction and allowed us to address any potential issues promptly.


Key Actions:

- Checked in with the client after the project was finished to ensure their satisfaction.

- Provided ongoing support and answered any questions about maintaining the new lawn.


Customer satisfaction is achieved through a combination of clear communication, attention to detail, and a genuine commitment to exceeding expectations. By providing customized solutions, detailed instructions, and thoughtful extras, we ensured our client was not only satisfied but also delighted with their new lawn. This approach not only resulted in a successful project but also fostered a positive, lasting relationship with the client.


By focusing on these key aspects, we transformed a challenging sod installation project into a rewarding experience for both us and the client. Their satisfaction is a testament to our dedication to quality and excellence in landscaping.


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