Dude Sells $3.2 Million in Roofing - Tells the Truth

I had an amazing discussion with a dude who makes $3.2 MILLION in revenue out of his roofing business. He was in the same spot as a lot of us before his business - poor upbringing, had kids early, and at one point he was even homeless. He worked dead-end jobs and was flat broke. He used to be a rapper as well! 

Now, he has about 50 employees, 3 crews and full-office staff, 22 real estate properties, and his business is still growing. His name is Eric Reno and he’s here to tell us the hard truth about starting your business from the ground up.

Everything evolves and grows a little bit at a time as long as you are consistent with what you do. As you’re taking one bite after another, you’ll have more problems and that’s alright. There should be things about your business that make you nervous, this means you’re taking chances.

“It’s like growing pains when you’re a teenager. Your business is growing, so in turn,...

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